I have been blessed to have amazing parents in my life. They have worked hard FOREVER it seems and have always managed to find ways to provide for me and my siblings growing up. Although my Dad's life on earth was cut short and he didn't get to live til he reached Retirement, my mom took the load and continued on her journey. I am so proud of my mom for all that she has accomplished throughout her career, and the sacrifices she made constantly for all of us in our family. It is with HONOR for me to share with everyone that my mom has finally reached the end of her working journey. She will be officially retired as of June 30th, 2010. Since my mom doesn't read my blogs she has no idea what I am putting here. I don't know if any of you are aware of what my mom has done for all these years. Growing up as a kid we lived in Santa Clarita, CA and my mom worked part time for many years at Newhall School District as a ESL Teacher and then assistant. Being that I am the youngest as I got into middle school she took on a 2nd job as a teachers aid at Hart High School. So in the morning she worked at the elementary school and in the afternoon they had a program for Troubled Teens at the High School. She worked hard til 6pm everyday. When we moved to Palmdale in 1988 she still continued to work both jobs, and had to learn to drive the commute everyday. My mom has driven what is typically a 35 minute drive, that takes her 1.5 hours Everyday for over 22years. When my dad passed away in 1998 she was given an opportunity to get a full time position as the attendance lady and translator at the elementary school. Which was a true blessing as all these years as she would put it she was SICK of those high school HEATHENS...lol So she has been working at the elementary school full time since 1999. Tomorrow the school is having a Retirement party for her. She is not much of a HUGE BANG party gal, so she told them she just wants a luncheon at the school. So since it is minimum day for the kids, the luncheon will be after.
One of my brothers high school friends happens to be the mayor of Santa Clarita and on the state counsel has known my mom as long as he can remember. When he found out she was retiring with the school district he decided he wanted to do something great for her. So as a surprise she has no idea that he will be presenting her with a Lifetime Achievement Award on behalf of the State of California. She will be so shocked for that. A farewell tribute will be taking place as well next weekend at the end of the schools annual talent show. My mom will be happy to see that ALL of her kids and Grand kids will ALL be attending this year, even my brother from Robert from Las Vegas. Usually Michael and I are the family that goes. I will post pics of the talent show next weekend.
Sooo Cheers to you mom...Thanks for all your hard work for over 30 years!!! I love ya.