January 16, 2009

American Idol

American Idol Pictures, Images and Photos

So...I am soooo excited for a new season of American Idol to have started. I love this time of year, when all of my favorite reality shows come back to life. Again, as most of my friends and family know I am a major reality tv junkie. Currently I am all about The Bachelor, American Idol, and now The City on MTV. I usually like watching The Hills but with that over I got a new MTV show now. But American Idol, is something I truelly enjoy. From beginning to end. Discussions amongst friends are unsure on if we like the new judge Kara but I think she will be a good change to the show. So for those who havent seen American Idol, the auditions are quite comical so you should tune in on Tues and Wed from 8-10pm on Fox.


  1. Yes, I am remembering how you were last year! hahahaha. So far I have to watch the two that have been on so far. Good thing I can record them! I am looking forward to the new season of American Idol also! :)

  2. I know..i am someone with no life obviously..i resort to reality shows like American Idol. But i just cant help it..lol
